Research Publications

S.No Author (s)/Year of pub./Title/Journal name with vol. and pages NAAS rating
  Choudhary, B. R. and Joshi, P. 2012 Crossability of Brassica carinata and B. tournefortii, and Cytomorphology of their F1 Hybrid Cytologia 77: 453–458 6.91
  Choudhary, B. R. and Joshi, P. 2012 Cytomorphology of Brassica napus × B. rapa hybrids and patterns of variation in the F2 derivatives Caryologia 65: 316-321 6.91
  Mahla, H. R. and Choudhary, B. R. 2013 Genetic diversity in seed purpose watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) genotypes under rainfed situations of Thar Desert. Indian J. Agril. Sci. 83: 300-303. 6.22
  Choudhary, B. R. and Joshi, P. 2013 Cytomorphology of Brassica juncea × B. napus hybrids and pattern of variation in the F2 derivatives Cytologia, 78: 261-267 6.91
  Khan, I.U., Rathor, B. S., Mehriya, M. L. and Singh, B. (2017) Evaluation , Estimation and identification of essential oil constituents in cumin (Cuminum cyminum) genotype grown in Western Rajasthan. J. Esse.  Oil Bearing Pl .5(2): 478-481 6.49
  Khan, I.U., Mehriya, M. L., Rathor, B. S., Kumhar, S. R. and Singh, B. (2017) Evaluation of volatile phytochemical constituents in cumin (Cuminum cyminum) genotype by gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. J. Pharmaco. & Phytoch.6(3): 668-773 5.21
  Kumar, V., Singh, R.P., Kumar, S., Shukla, U.N. and Kumar, K. (2018).Performance of pearlmillet + greengram intercropping as influenced by different planting techniques and integrated nitrogen management under rainfed condition.International Journal of Chemical Studies6(3): 705-708. 5.31
  Mishra, M.L., Sood, S. and Shukla, U.N.(2018). Standardization, development and proximate composition of baked valueadded products by using Indian horse chestnut (Aesculusindica) flour.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences7(2): 1449-1458. 5.38
  Mishra, M.L., Sood, S. and Shukla, U.N.(2018). Phyto-nutritional and mineral composition of Indian Horse Chestnut (Aesculusindica) seeds. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry7(1): 2159-2162. 5.21
  Mishra, M.L., Sood, S. and Shukla, U.N.(2018). Standardization, development and sensory evaluation of snacks prepared from Aesculusindicaflour (Tatwakhar). The Pharma Innovation Journal7(2): 89-93. 5.03
  Singh, S., Kewat, M.L., Dubey, M., Shukla, U.N. and Sharma, J.K. (2014).Efficacy of imazethapyr on weed dynamics, yield potential and economics of groundnut (Arachishypogaea L.).Legume Research37 (1):87-92.  
  Sutaliya, R. and Singh, R.N. (2015) Effect of planting time, fertility level and phosphate-solubilizing bacteria on growth, yield and yield attributes of winter maize (Zea mays) under rice (Oryza sativa) - maize cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy50(3): 173-175 5.46
  S.C.Jingar, Mahendra Singh, A.K.Roy,Pankaj Lavania and H.L.Bugalia (2017). Economic Loss due to clinical mastitis in cross bred cows. International Journal of Livestock Research.Vol.8 (4):43-51. 5.36
  Ajesh Kumar,M.L. Kamboj,Santosh Kumar,S.C.Jingar,R.K.Meena M.C.Yadav and Pankaj Lavania (2017) Influence of calf weaning at birth on reproductive performance of Murrah buffaloes Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Applied  Sci. .6(11): 4238-4241. 5.38
  M .C. yadav,  Ajesh  Kumar, S.C.Jingar, Pankaj Lavania and H.L.Bugalia (2017). Reproductive performance of Sirohi Goat flock under field condition, Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Applied Sci. 6(10): 4704-4708. 5.38
  Parsant Jatolia S.C.Jingar, S.M. Meena ,Pankaj Lavania and H.L.Bugalia(2017). Existing Management practices of Buffaloes owners in Udaipur District of Rajasthan,India. Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Applied Sci 6(8): 2103-2108. 5.38
  S.C.Jingar, Mahendra Singh, Pankaj Lavania and A.K. Roy (2017) Effect of year wise on incidence of Mastitis in cross bred, Indigenous cattle and Murrah buffaloes. Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Applied Sci. 6(6):2725-2728. 5.38
  Pankaj Lavania, Suresh Chandra Jingar and A.K. Roy (2017) Evaluation of hormonal treatment protocol and improved nutritional therapeutic management practices for inducing heat in anestrous cows. Int. J. Curr. Microbiology and Applied Sci. 6(7): 510-512. 5.38
  L.K.Chatta, J.R.Verma and PokharRawal 2014.. Integrated  disease and pest management through  organic farming approaches in maize J. Mycol. Pl .Pathol. 44 (3): 264-267 5.79
  Narender Kumar Jatav,R.S.Rana, J.R. Verma and ShriKishanBairwa 2014. Chemical  control of dry bubble disease induced by  Verticillium fungicola (Preuss)Hassebr on white button mushroom ,Agarius bisporous. African Journal of Microbiology Research 1 Vol  8(22) :2202-2207 **
  Narendra Kumar Jatav,R S Rana, J.R. Verma and S K Bairwa 2014. Evaluation of Plant extract in control of dry bubble disease of white button mushroom caused by Verticillium fungicola f sp.fungicola Preuss (Hassebr).  African Journal of Microbiology  Research1 Vol 8(37) :3405-3408 **
  Ahuja, D., B. Rajpurohit, T. S.; Singh, M.;  Solanki, Z. S.; Kalyan, R.K.;  Ahuja, U.R.; Dhandapani, A.  and Sundria M.M. 2009 Development of integrated pest management technology for sesame (Sesamum indicum) and its evaluation in Farmer participatory mode. Indian J. Agril. Sci., 79 (10): 808-12, October, 6.17
  Sundria, M.M. 2009 Efficacy of botanical pesticides and endosulfan against sesame capsule borer, Antigastra catalaunalis, under field conditions. J. Oilseeds Res., 26 (Special issue): 465-466. 5.02
  Rathore, B. S. and Sundria, M. M. 2011 Comparative efficacy of pesticides and botanicals against diseases and pests of blond psyllium Indian Phytopath.,  64 (1) : 97-99 5.90
  Kumhar, S. R.; Solanki, Z. S.; Rajpurohit, T. S.; Sundria, M. M. &d Chandawat, M. S. 2009 Rajasthan Til 346: A high yielding white and bold seeded sesame, Sesamum indicum L. variety for National Zone-I of India. J. Oilseeds Res. 26 (2): 165-166. 5.02
  Krishna Saharan, Lukas Schütz, Ansgar Kahmen, Andres Wiemken, Thomas Boller  and Natarajan Mathimaran 2018. Finger Millet Growth and Nutrient Uptake Is Improved in Intercropping With Pigeon Pea Through Biofertilization and Bioirrigation Mediated by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria. Frontiers Plant Science 6: 46. 10.49
  Dinesh Kumar, F.Y. Ayant and J. Choi; (2018) Application of product of the multivariable A -function and the multivariable Srivastava polynomials, East  Asian Math. J., Vol. 34, No. 3, 295-303  
  F.Y. Ayant and Dinesh Kumar; (2018) Generating relations and multivariable Alephfunction, Analysis (De Gruyter), Vol. 39, No. 1, 7 pages. (SCOPUS Indexed), (ISSN: (Online) 2196-6753  
  Shukla, U.N.,Srivastava, V.K., Singh, S., Ram, U.S. and Pandey, A.K. (2015).Effect of seedlings age, cultivars and weed management on weed dynamics, nutrient removal and yield of rice (Oryza sativa) under system of riceintensification (SRI). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences85 (10): 1260-1268. 6.22
  Mishra, D., Sharma, J.D., Pandey, A.K., Mishra, R.K, Shukla, U.N. and Kumar, J. (2015). Effect of nitrogen levels on yield, quality and economics of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences11(Supplement1): 251-255. 5.13
  Shukla, U. N., Bhale, V.M., Wanjari, S. S.andKhadse, V.A. (2014). Production potential and economics of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum L.) hybrids under different plant spacing and NPK levels. Indian Journal of Agronomy59(4): 668-671. 5.46
  Singh, P., Singh, S., Khan, I.M., Shukla, U.N. and Philip, P. (2014). Performance of physiological basis of rice hybrids under system of rice cultivation. Bangladesh Journal of Botany43(3): 359-351 6.23
  Shukla, U. N., Khakare, M. S. Singh, S. and Verma, S.K. (2014). Effect of crop geometries and fertility levels on growth, yield and residual nutrients of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum)hybrids under rainfed condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 84 (6): 780–783. 6.22
Shukla, U. N., Srivastava, V.K., Singh, S., Sen, A. and Kumar, V. (2014). Growth, yield and economic potential of rice (Oryzasativa) as influenced by different age of seedlings, cultivars and weed management under system ofrice intensification. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences,84 (5): 628–36.
  Singh, P., Shukla, U.N., Kumar, K., Singh, S., Kumar, V. and Kumar, R. (2014).Evaluation of growth,yield and quality of maize as influenced by genotypes and nitrogen levels. Bangladesh Journal of Botany43(1): 59-64. 6.23
  Kumar, K., Shukla, U. N., Singh, M., Singh, S., Singh, R. and Pant, A.K. (2014). Yield potential of direct seeded rice (OryzasativaL.) as influenced by different seeding technique and weed management practices. The Bioscan9(3): 981-984. 5.26
  Shukla, U. N., Khakare, M. S., Srivastava, V. K., Rakesh Kumar, Singh, S.,Kumar, V. and Kumar, K. (2013).Effect of spacings and fertility levels on growth, yield and quality of Cotton (Gossypiumhirsutum) hybrids under rainfed condition of Vidarbha.The Bioscan8(2): 561-567. 5.26
  Singh, P., Rana,  N.S., Shukla, U.N., Singh, S. Kumar, R. and  Kumar,  K. (2013).Effect of genotypes and nitrogen levels on production potential of maize (Zea mays L.) under Indo-Gangatic plain zone of Western U.P. The Bioscan8(3): 777-781. 5.26
  Dama Ram, Patil, R. K., Jeevan, B. and H.  Shivakumara (2015) Biochemical changes in  tomato (Lycopersiconesculentum Mill.) fruits against Fusariumpallidoroseum. J. Pure. Appl. Microbio. 9 (4): 3077-3082. 6.00
Dhoot, R., Modha, K.G., Kumar, D. and Dhoot, M. (2017).Correlations and path analysis studies on yield and its components in Mungbean (Vignaradiata (L.)Wilczek).International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(5):370-378.
Dhoot, M., Dubey, R.B., Ameta, K.D., Dhoot, R.,Kumar, R. and Badaya, V. K. (2017).Estimation of Heterosis for Grain Yield and Architectural Traits in Yellow Seeded Maize (Zea mays L.).International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 6(7): 4536-4542.
  Choudhary, Santosh, Soni, A.K and Jat, N.K. (2012). Effect of organic and inorganic sources of nutrients on growth, yield and quality of sprouting broccoli cv. C.B.H.-1. Indian Journal of Horticulture 69(4): 550-554. 6.15
Kumar, V., Singh, P., Jorquera, M. A., Sangwan, P., Kumar, P., Verma, A. K., &Agrawal, S. (2013). Isolation of phytase-producing bacteria from Himalayan soils and their effect on growth and phosphorus uptake of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 29(8), 1361-1369.
Kumar, V.,Sangwan, P., Verma, A. K., &Agrawal, S. (2014). Molecular and biochemical characteristics of recombinant β-propeller Phytase from Bacillus licheniformis strain PB-13 with potential application in aquafeed. Applied biochemistry and biotechnology, 173(2), 646-659.
Singh, G., Kumar, V.,Dubey, A., Agrawal, S., Verma, A.K. (2018). Cloning, sequencing and in silico analysis of β-Glucosidase (GH-1 family) from Bacillus subtilis strain P. Indian Journal of Biotechnology, Accepted
Chugh, V., Kaur, K., Singh, D., Kumar, V.,Kaur, H., &Dhaliwal, H. S. (2015).Molecular characterization of diverse wheat germplasm for puroindolineproteins and their antimicrobial activity. Turkish Journal of Biology, 39(3), 359-369.
Kalsi, H. K., Singh, R., Dhaliwal, H. S., &Kumar, V. (2016).Phytases from Enterobacter and Serratia species with desirable characteristics for food and feed applications. 3 Biotech, 6(1), 64.
Pulipati, Y., Gurram, V., Laxmi, S. V., Satyanarayana, Y., Singh, K., Kumar, V., Sharma, S., Pottabathini, N. and Iska, V.B.R. (2017). Suzuki–Miyaura coupling of quinazolines containing an unprotected NH2 group: Synthesis and biological testing of quinazoline derivatives. Synthetic Communications, 47(12), 1142-1150.
  Meena, B.R., S.K. Moond, C.K. Arya, P. Singh and D. Singh. (2016). Effect of genotype and planting geometry on flower quality and vase life of gladiolus (Gladiolus x hybridus Hort.). The Bioscan, 11(4):2711-2714. 5.26
  Singh, Ummed.,Praharaj, C.S., Singh, S.S., Hazra, K.K. and Kumar, N.(2018). Effect of crop establishment practices on the performance of component cultivars under pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan)–wheat (Triticumaestivum) cropping system in IGP. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 88 (5): 01–07 6.22
  Singh, U.,Praharaj, C.S., Singh, S.S., Hazra, K.K. and Kumar, N. (2018). Up-scaling nutrient, energy and system productivity of pigeonpea-wheat cropping system in Indo-Gangetic plains of India.  Journal of Environmental Biology 39(5): 01-12 (Under press) 6.70
Singh, R.N., Praharaj, C.S., Kumar, R., Singh, S.S., Kumar, N. and Singh, U. (2017).Influence of rice (Oryza sativa) habit groups and moisture conservation practices on soil physical and microbial properties in rice + lathyrus relay cropping system under rice fallows in eastern plateau of India.The Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 87 (12): 1633–9
  Praharaj, C.S., Singh, U., Singh, S.S. and Kumar, N. (2017). Micro-irrigation in rainfed pigeonpea-Upscaling productivity under Eastern Gangetic Plains with suitable land configuration, population management and supplementary fertigation at critical stages. Current Science 112(1): 95-107 6.84
  Saad, A.A., Singh, Ummed., Masood, A. and Praharaj, C.S. (2016). Productivity and economics of kharif fodder intercropping under dryland conditions of temperate Kashmir valley. Range Management and Agroforestry 37 (1): 108-112 6.32
  Kumar, N., Hazra, K.K., Nath, C.P., Praharaj, C.S., Singh, U. and Singh, S.S. (2016). Pulses in Irrigated Eco-System: Problems and Prospects. Indian Journal of Agronomy61: S262-S268. 5.46
  Praharaj, C.S., Singh, Ummed., Singh, S.S., Singh, N.P. Shivay, Y.S. (2016).Supplementary and Life-saving Irrigation for Enhancing Pulse Production, Productivity and Water-use Efficiency in India. Indian Journal of Agronomy61: S249-S261  5.46
  Shivay, Y.S., Singh, Ummed., Prasad, R. and Kaur, R.J. (2016). Agronomic Interventions for Micronutrient Biofortification of Pulses. Indian Journal of Agronomy61:S161-S172 5.46
  Basu, P.S., Singh, Ummed., Kumar, A., Praharaj, C.S. and Shivran, R.K. (2016). Climate Change and Its Mitigation Strategies in Pulse Production. Indian Journal of Agronomy61: S71-S82 5.46
  Ahlawat, I.P.S., Sharma, P. and Singh, Ummed.(2016). Production, Demand and Import of Pulses in India. Indian Journal of Agronomy61: S33-S41 5.46
  Bairwa, K.C.,Varadan, R.J., Jhajhria, A. and Meena, D. (2013). An economic appraisal of livestock sector in India. Indian Journal of Animal Research47(2):105-112. 6.15
  Glover N M, Antoniadi I, George G M, Götzenberger L, Gutzat R, Koorem K, Liancourt P, Rutowicz K, Saharan Krishna, You W and Mayer P 2016 A Pragmatic Approach to Getting Published: 35 Tips for Early Career Researchers Frontiers in plant science journal 10.30
  Rachit K. Saxena, Sandip M. Kale, Vinay Kumar, Swathi Parupali, Shourabh Joshi, Vikas Singh, Vanika Garg, Roma R. Das, Mamta Sharma, K. N. Yamini, Anuradha Ghanta, Abhishek Rathore, C. V. Sameerkumar, K. B. Saxena & Rajeev K. Varshney2017 Genotyping-by-sequencing of three mapping populations for identification of candidate genomic regions for resistance to sterility mosaic disease in pigeonpea Scientific Report20452322 10.26
  Gupta V, Krishna Saharan, Lalit K, Gupta R, Sahai V, Mittal A 2008Spectrophotometric ferric ion biosensor from Pseudomonas fluorescents cultureBiotechnology and Bioengineering
Journal100 (2): 284-296
  Nisha Chaudhary, PriyaDangi, and Bhupendar Singh Khatkar2016 Assessment of molecular weight distribution of wheat gluten proteins for chapatti quality Food Chemistry (Elsevier) 199, pp. 28-35. 10.05
  NishaChaudhary, PriyaDangi, and Bhupendar Singh Khatkar 2016Relationship of molecular weight distribution profile of unreduced gluten protein extracts with quality characteristics of bread Food Chemistry (Elsevier) 210, pp. 335-351 10.05
  Krishna Saharan, M.V.R.K. Sarma, Rashmi Srivastava, A.K. Sharma, B.N. Johri, A. Prakash, Vikram Sahai,. Bisaria 2010 Development of non-sterile inorganic carrier-based formulations of fluorescent pseudomonad R62 and R81 and evaluation of their efficacy on agricultural cropsApplied Soil Ecology Journal46 (2): 251-258 8.67
  Krishna Saharan, M.V.R.K. Sarma,. Prakash, B.N. Johri, Vikram Sahai and V.S. Bisaria2010 Shelf-life enhancement of bio-inoculant formulation by optimizing the trace ions in the culture medium for production of DAPG using fluorescent pseudomonad R62Enzyme and Microbial Technology Journal48:33-38 8.62
  M.V.R.K. Sarma, Ashwani Gautam, Lalit Kumar, Krishna Saharan, Avhijeet Kapoor, Nishant Shrivastava, Vikram Sahai,  V.S. Bisaria2013 Bioprocess strategies for mass multiplication of and metabolite synthesis by plant growth promoting pseudomonads for agronomical applicationsProcess Biochemistry Journal48 (9): 1418-1424 8.50
  M.V.R.K. Sarma, Vinod Kumar, Krishna Saharan, Rashmi Srivastava, A.K. Sharma, A. Prakash, Vikram Sahai, V.S. Bisaria2011 Application of inorganic carrier-based formulations of fluorescent pseudomonads and Piriformospora indica on tomato plants and evaluation of their efficacyJournal of Applied Microbiology111: 456-4 8.16
  Dario Angeli, Krishna Saharan, Guillem Segarra, Carmela Sicher, Ilaria Pertot2017 Production of Ampelomyces quisqualis conidia in submerged fermentation and improvements in the formulationfor increased shelf-life  Crop Protection Journal97:135-144 7.83
  Vinod Kumar,.V.R.K. Sarma, Krishna Saharan, Rashmi Srivastava, Lalit Kumar, Vikram Sahai, V. S. Bisaria, A. K. Sharma Effect of formulated root endophytic fungus Piriformospora indica and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria fluorescent pseudomonads R62 and R81 on Vigna mungo World Journal Microbiology Biotechnology28(2): 595-6032011 7.53
  M. M. Kumawat, M .M. Singh, R.S. Tripathi, Toge Riba, Siddhartha Singh and D. Sen.2014 Rodent outbreak in relation to bamboo flowering in north-eastern region of India. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture30(4): 243-252 6.9
  Nisha Chaudhary, Priya Dangi, and Bhupendar Singh Khatkar2016 Evaluation of molecular weight distribution of unreduced wheat gluten proteins associated with noodle quality International Journal of Food Science & Technology53 (6), pp 26952695-2704 7.24
  NishaChaudhary, PriyaDangi, and Bhupendar Singh Khatkar2017 Fractionation of unreduced gluten proteins on SECand their relationship with cookie quality characteristics International Journal of Food Science & Technology54(2), pp. 42-348 7.24
  M.M. Kumawat, K. Mamocha Singh and L. Wangchu2017 First report of an invasive longhorn beetle, Aristobia reticulator (voet) (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in litchi, Litchi chinensis Sonn. (Sapindaceae), in India. Coleopterists Bulletin71(1):131-136 6.5
  M.S. Akhtar, M.M. Kumawat and V.V. Ramamurthy.2010 An annotated checklist of Xanthopimpla saussure (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) Oriental Insects44: 243–269, 6.24
  Rohitash Bajiya, DharamBir, Yadav, A. and  Punia, S. S.2016 Weed dynamics of direct seeded basmati rice (Oryza sativa L.) influenced by different herbicides and their tank-mix applications. Indian journal of agricultural sciences87(5) 6.17
  B.L. Dhaka, K. Chayal and M.K. Poonia2011 Identification of constraints limiting the productivity of livestock and strategies for its improved in Bundi district of Rajasthan.  Indian J. Animal Sci.81(1):94-96 6.17
  K.M. Singh, R.C. Shakywar, M.M. Kumawat*, R.K. Patidar, T. Riba, A.K. Sureja and A.K. Pandey2017 Eco-friendly management of bacterial wilt (Ralstonia solanacearum) of brinjal in Arunachal Pradesh Indian Journal of  Horticulture74(1): 85-90 6.15
  Mahesh Kumar and N.L.Sen2005 Effect of zinc, boron and gibberellic acid on quality and yield of Okra. Indian J. Hort, 62(3): 308-309 6.13
  M.S. Akhtar, M.M. Kumawat and V.V. Ramamurthy.2010 A Revisionary study on the major Indian species of Xanthopimpla (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae: Ephialtini).  Indian Journal of Entomology72(2): 160-174 5.89
  M.M. Kumawat, and Singh K. M.2013 Population dynamics and management of mango leaf cutting weevil, Deporaus marginatus.  Indian Journal of Entomology75(1): 62-67 5.89
  Poonia M.K., Mahendra Singh, Dhaka B.L., Bairwa R. K. and Bherulal Kumhar,  2017 Impact of front line demonstration on the yield and economics of Coriander in Kota district of Rajasthan.   International J. Curr. Microbial., App., Sci., 6(3):2344-2348 5.38
  Mahendra Singh, Mahesh Kumar Poonia, Bheru Lal Kumhar and Gitam Singh 2017 Livelihood Security of Poor Families through Pratapdhan Backyard Poultry Rearing in Kota District of Rajasthan.  International J. Curr. Microbial., App., Sci., 6(4):2385-2391 5.38
  R.K. Bairwa, B.L. Dhaka, M.K. Poonia, B.L. Nagar and C.M. Balai 2017 Coriander a Potential Seed Spice Crop of Humid South Eastern Plains-Zone of Rajasthan.  International J. Curr. Microbial., App., Sci., 6(4):2385-2391 5.38
  Shourabh Joshi, T. Revathi, G, Umadevi, C. V. Sameer Kumar and G. Anuradha 2017 Study of sterility mosaic disease resistance on immortal population in pigeonpea International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences 2319-7692 5.38
  Rajani  and Shourabh Joshi 2017 The role horticultural crops in enhancing nutrient security  International Journal of current microbiology and applied sciences2319-7706 5.38
  S. R. Mulla, Shourabh Joshi and Joy Das2017 Isolation, Cloning and Expression of Insecticidal-Protein-Encoding Gene tcdA from Photorhabdus luminescens in Escherichia coli Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci 6(9): 1718-1724 5.38
  Shourabh Joshi, Rajani and P. N. Kalla 2017“GM Technology: A Solution for the World Food Crisis" Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci2319-7706 5.38
  Rohitash Bajiya, Hansa Lakhran, Sandeep Kumar and Seema 2017Biochar for Enhancing Agricultural Sustainability under Climate Change International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences6(2) 5.38
  M.K. Poonia and B. L. Dhaka 2011Training need assessment of Vegetable farmers in Bundi district of Rajasthan. Indian J. Ext. Edn.47(1 &2) :80-85 5.32
  Manju Kumari and M. singh2017 Bio-intensive mamagement of collar rot of groundnut caused by Aspergillus niger Inter. J. of Chemi. Studies 2349-8528 5.31
  Hansa Lakhran, A. C. Sadhu and Sanju Kumawat 2015 Quality and yield potential of summer sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) as influenced by sowing time and nutrient management in middle Gujarat10(3)The Bioscan- An International Journal  of Life Sciences 5.26
  Rajdeep Mundiyara and M L Jakhar 2017 Identify promising parents and crosses of Taramira (Eruca sativa Mill.) for Improvement in Irrigated and Drought Conditions. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry2278-4136 5.21
  Kunal Mahajan, Jitendar Kumar Sharma and Ankita Dhage2018 Evaluation of Trichoderma sp. against Fusarium Wilt of Chickpea Caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceris under in vitro Condition International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences Special Issue-7/  ISSN: 2319-7706 5.38
  Jitendar Kumar Sharma, VA Solanki, Kishan Kumar Sharma, Niketan Deshmukh and HP Patel2017 Management of okra powdery mildew through agrochemicals International Journal of Chemical Studies5/5/ 2321-4902 5.31
  L K Sharma, D Agarwal, SN Saxena, Hanwant Kumar, Manish Kumar, J R Verma and B Singh (2018)  Antibacterial and Antifungal activity of ajwain (Trachyspermum ammi) in different solvent.  Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 2018; 7(3): 2672-2674 5.65

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