Trainings & Workshops

  • Trainings for the Farmers and farm women:

The Directorate has organized 11 Trainings with the help of the State Department of Agriculture and Horticulture benefiting 451 Farmers and Farm Women.

  • Awareness program :

for farmers, traders and Dal Mill owners (two training each KVK) sponsored by ware housing development and regulatory authority, Government of India New Delhi were organized by all six KVK’s during the year 2016 & 17.

  • Farmers/students visits to the DEE :

820 Farmers, Farm women and students has visited the DEE and University Campus for seeing its various activities and demonstration units.

  • Farmers–Scientist Interaction :

DEE, AU, Jodhpur have organized Farmer-Scientist interaction at adopted smart village Neora, Osian (Jodhpur). This village is adopted by Agriculture University Jodhpur for developing it into a smart village. As a part of activity for its development, about 250 frontline demonstrations of various Kharif and Rabi crops were laid out at farmer’s field in the village.

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Last Updated on : 21-01-2025
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